Art of Homeschooling Shop

Holiday Season Inspiration Cards


Here are 5 sets of printable cards specifically designed to remind you to keep things simple this holiday season ~ inspiration and quote cards to encourage you on your homeschooling journey.

Print and cut them out to keep in your planner or in a basket on your desk, tuck them in a book, or hang them on your fridge.

These Holiday Season Inspiration Cards support you with Simplicity, Gratitude, Festivals, Celebrations, and Inner Quiet. They are the perfect gift to yourself as you walk through the holiday season.

Each page of printable cards comes with a recommended Art of Homeschooling Podcast episode which will bolster your mindset and help you reconnect to your values and what you love most about the holidays.

Includes these card sets:

  • Gratitude
  • Simplicity Holidays
  • Festivals
  • Holiday Celebrations
  • Inner Work + New Year

Enjoy dear homeschooler ~ you deserve inspiration and joy all throughout the holidays!



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